Sign Up Sheets

Learning Community: Conflict in the Middle East:  Please mark your calendars for a Learning Community focused on the Israel/Hamas conflict. Dr. Andrew Latham, Professor of Political Science at Macalester College, will provide a balanced presentation that captures the complexity of the situation in Israel and Palestine. Dr. Latham will include a perspective on the role of the US in the conflict as well as imagine components in a lasting peace for the region. The Learning Community event will be Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 6:30–8:30 pm. Please register for the event:


Annual Meeting:  The Annual Meeting of the congregation will be Sunday, February 2 in the Fellowship Hall starting at about 11:15 am. In addition to receiving reports, passing budgets and electing officers, we will also hear ministry updates from many of our teams and committees. Please sign up so we have enough food:


Connecting Through Cooking:  It is cold and dark so why not learn a new skill!  Join Chef Peter Kwong in our church kitchen as we learn how to cook Thai and Italian food.  Cost is $30, space is limited to 15 people and you must pay for your spot once you register.  Classes take place from 5:30 to 7:30 pm and we will eat what we cook!  Here are the details: 

Tuesday, February 4: Thai Spring Roll, Pad Thai (w/Chicken or Beef), Tofu Pad Prig Khing (String Beans), Thai Fried Rice

Tuesday, February 11: Bruschetta, Ensalada Italiana, Fettuccine Alfredo, Chicken Piccata
Sign up:


New Evening Men’s Group:  An Evening Men’s Group will meet for 3 Thursdays in February.  We will meet Thursday, Feb 13 and 20 from 6:30-7:30 pm at The Garage Bikes and Brews then head to Feed My Starving Children to pack meals on Thursday, Feb 27 from 7:00-8:30 pm.  Our purpose is to connect with each other and our Christian faith.  Please see Pastor Chris for more details.  All guys welcome!  Please sign up:


Creative Catharsis Workshop - Thurs, Feb 27, from 6:30-8:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall: We often put aside and neglect our creative desires and reflection of ourselves in our fast-paced, grind culture-influenced lives. This workshop aims to provide participants with an invitation to connect to their creativity and meaning-making through the process and application of collage. Using simple materials and tools, we’ll explore how the simple act of sifting, sorting, cutting, and arranging paper ephemera offers a sanctuary of rest, reflection and a catalyst for self-discovery.  All supplies provided.  Sponsored by the WISE Team.  Sign up:


Survey for Mission Trips for Youth:  We are conducting a survey to gauge youth and family interest and availability for mission opportunities for the Summer of 2025, and Spring Break (March 16-20) of 2026. Our hope is to find areas of mission work that you would be interested in and provide spiritual and personal growth. Students or parents, please take the time to look over the options and let us know of your interest in the mission trips we could offer:


Coffee Fellowship Hosts will be asked to serve Best Maid Cookies which are in the church freezer, make lemonade and/or serve coffee.  All the materials are provided, you will simply need to serve and clean up. 


Liturgists will lead us in the Call to Worship and one of the Scripture Lessons. The material will be emailed out on Thursday. Sign up: 


Welcomers Needed:  Please sign up to be a welcomer on Sunday morning before the 9:30 am worship service.  One person is needed for at the bottom of the stairs at the 3rd Street Entrance and one person is needed at the Ramp Entrance.  Please arrive 20 minutes prior to the Worship Service.  Please sign up here:   


Altar Table Flowers:  Please sign up to provide flowers for the altar for Sunday worship.  Sign up here: 
