Wednesday Meal – Relay for Life Soup Supper: The Relay for Life Team is having their annual Soup Night in the Fellowship Hall where you can come and sample a variety of soups or indulge in one for the Wednesday night meal. We plan to have vegetable beef, vegetarian tortellini, tomato basil, pasta fagioli (Italian chili), white chicken chili, wild rice with chicken, and possible cheesy potato with bacon. There will also be fruit and desserts. Meals are served from 5:15 to 6:00 pm. Cost of the meal is a donation which will go to American Cancer Society or the recommended $9 per person with a family max of $30. Reservations must be placed by noon on Tuesdays.
Menu for March 26: Relay for Life Soup Supper
Easter Breakfast – Sunday, April 20: Easter Breakfast will be served from 8:00 am to 10:15 am. Cost is $10 per person with a family max of $40, all of which goes to our Youth Fund for mission trips and opportunities. Please sign up by Wednesday, April 16.
Learning Community Event: Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Please join us for the next Learning Community event focused on Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Bonhoeffer was a pastor and theologian in Germany during World War II. He was also an anti-Nazi dissident who was a founding member of the Confessing Church movement, a group dedicated to resisting efforts by the government to use churches as a pro-Nazi force to gain support and legitimacy for its goals. Bonhoeffer was arrested, imprisoned, and ultimately executed for his association with the resistance movement. Bonhoeffer authored important theological works included The Cost of Discipleship and Letters and Papers From Prison, published posthumously. Bonhoeffer famously argued that Christians should not withdraw from the world and its challenges, but rather act within the world guided by a commitment to justice and an understanding of the necessity of divine suffering. Our presenter will be Dr. Lori Brandt Hale, Professor of Religion in the Department of Religion and Philosophy at Augsburg University in Minneapolis.
The evening will be Tuesday, April 29 and will begin at 6:30 pm and conclude by 8:00 pm. Dessert will be part of the event, so please tell us you are coming by registering either on the list on the sign-up table or online:
Survey for Mission Trips for Youth: We are conducting a survey to gauge youth and family interest and availability for mission opportunities for the Summer of 2025, and Spring Break (March 16-20) of 2026. Our hope is to find areas of mission work that you would be interested in and provide spiritual and personal growth. Students or parents, please take the time to look over the options and let us know of your interest in the mission trips we could offer:
Coffee Fellowship Hosts will be asked to serve Best Maid Cookies which are in the church freezer, make lemonade and/or serve coffee. All the materials are provided, you will simply need to serve and clean up.
Liturgists will lead us in the Call to Worship and one of the Scripture Lessons. The material will be emailed out on Thursday. Sign up:
Welcomers Needed: Please sign up to be a welcomer on Sunday morning before the 9:30 am worship service. One person is needed for at the bottom of the stairs at the 3rd Street Entrance and one person is needed at the Ramp Entrance. Please arrive 20 minutes prior to the Worship Service. Please sign up here:
Altar Table Flowers: Please sign up to provide flowers for the altar for Sunday worship. Sign up here:
Wednesday School Registration (PDF)
Sunday School Registration (PDF)
VBS and Musical Registration Form (PDF)
Leaving a Spiritual Legacy (PDF)
Memorial and Funeral Arrangements (PDF)
Infants/Youth Baptism Info (online)
Continuing Education Scholarship (PDF)
High School Scholarship (online)
Spiritual Growth Scholarship (PDF)
Grant Request