Sign Up Sheets

Sunday School Teachers Needed:  Sunday School begins again on September 8. Please volunteer to teach. All classes are team-taught and no one teaches every week. Please sign up at church or online:


Young Families Gathering - Sunday, September 22, 11am-1pm:  Families and kids are invited to join us on the church lawn after service (during coffee fellowship) for a fall fair! There will be a bouncy house, face painting, and other activities for children, and time for families to connect and talk over sandwiches and snacks! Feel free to invite other families and their children to join in on the fun! Please sign up at church or online:


You are invited for “An Evening of Art” on Tuesday, September 24, at 6:30 pm. The primary focus of Stacy's sabbatical trip was to experience and learn about Christian art. She has narrowed down the list of her most favorite pieces to a dozen. She will share a few stories about her adventures, give you a list of things she learned (including how to navigate a train strike), and explore her most favorite pieces of art. Dessert will be included.
Please sign up:


Wednesday School Workers Needed:  Wednesday School begins on October 2. We need adult volunteers, drivers to transport children from school to church, and people to provide snacks. Please consider volunteering. Please sign up at church or online:


Middle and High School Youth Field Trip to WHIRLYBALL – Wednesday, October 2, from 5:00-8:30 pm:  Here is the signup link for the whirlyball field trip to Bloomington MN! Please register each individual person wanting to attend. $10 per student. Friends are welcome to come! Wednesday meal will be served early for children leaving on the trip (if you register for the meal) so you can eat before we leave. Please sign up at church or above.


Coffee Fellowship Hosts will be asked to serve Best Maid Cookies which are in the church freezer, make lemonade and/or serve coffee.  All the materials are provided, you will simply need to serve and clean up. 


Liturgists will lead us in the Call to Worship and one of the Scripture Lessons. The material will be emailed out on Thursday. Sign up: 


Welcomers Needed:  Please sign up to be a welcomer on Sunday morning before the 9:30 am worship service.  One person is needed for at the bottom of the stairs at the 3rd Street Entrance and one person is needed at the Ramp Entrance.  Please arrive 20 minutes prior to the Worship Service.  Please sign up here:   


Altar Table Flowers:  Please sign up to provide flowers for the altar for Sunday worship.  Sign up here: 
