
Both as individuals and as a congregation, we have been given a mission to accomplish. A distinguishing mark of this congregation is its commitment to making Christ’s love known through concrete action.
Among Friends

A program for people with dementia and their families held each Tuesday and Thursday from 9 am to 3 pm, located right here at First Congregational Church in River Falls. Among Friends is looking for a Program Coordinator. Click here to see the job description:  Among Friends Coordinator Job Description

Among Friends Website

Feed My Starving Children

Feeds starving kids worldwide through workdays in the Twin Cities.


Back Bay Mission

UCC Mission in Biloxi, MS helping to rebuild the community and have yearly mission trips.


Habitat for Humanity

Working through the St Croix chapter to help build affordable housing for local families.


Our Neighbor's Place

A local ministry started by churches to address homelessness in our community.


River Falls Food Pantry

We support our local River Falls Food Pantry. There are bins at the church where you can leave donations which are delivered weekly.


Journey House Campus Ministry (UWRF)

An ecumenical outreach to students and faculty at UWRF, offering Bible studies, meals, mission trips, and a place to belong when far from home.


Simpson Homeless Shelter

A long-standing mission outreach, we supply volunteers, meals, and funding for this shelter in South Minneapolis.  


Brazilian Healthcare Mission

Barb de Souza, an ordained member of our congregation, runs a series of healthcare clinics in the slums of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We support her through prayer and financial gifts.

de Souza Newsletter March 17, 2024

Our Church’s Wider Mission

Our denominational outreach includes seminaries, Lay Academy, missionaries, and our Wisconsin Conference.


Hope for Earth

The mission of Hope for Earth is to create a hopeful, ecologically sustainable future for River Falls through interfaith collaboration, education, partnerships, advocacy, and action. 

Hope for Earth Website