What is it like?
We are a dynamic community of all ages seeking to grow together in our Christian faith. Check out Google Reviews to see what others say about us.
What about my kids?
From babies to teens to college students there is something for everyone! We have a trained nursery staff for the little ones and loving Sunday School teachers for elementary, middle, and high schoolers.
Where do I park?
There is plenty of parking on the street in front of and around the church campus.
What do I wear?
Come as you are. People wear everything from shorts and jeans to dresses and ties.
How can I get connected?
We have lots of ways to connect you to others! Check out our online opportunities and if coming in person, stop at the Welcome Center in the Gathering Area once you enter the church building through the main Third Street doors.
Would you like to know more about the life and ministry of our church? During this 90-minute class, you will meet other newcomers to the congregation, learn more about our congregation, and find ways you can participate in our faith community. Led by Pastor Chris and other church leaders, this is the first step in becoming a member of the church. Lunch and childcare are provided. Please sign up with the church office. Watch for the next date or call the church office for more information.